Kennel Batmoors´ News
This is our Blog where we post news about our dogs and life in Kennel Batmoors. Feel Free to leave a comment..
mandag den 4. august 2014
Batmoors´ dogs placed in the Finish WT Championship!!
to Maarit Nikkanen and Highhuts Aguila (a daugther of Denes Boy Dan of
Tudorcourt(Josh) .. winning the WT Championship in Finland - AND to
Maarit and Batmoors`Black Isle Chandler (Broadlaw Dirk- Hillus Holland)
with 4 winner!

1. Minnows Unique Summernight Fairy, Kari Silvennoinen 131 p.
2. Brufinn Barcelona, Ulla Pihlaja 128 p.
3. Kulteen Heathrow, Tero Piiroinen 126 p.
4. Misty Bay's Black Eagle Hunting, Pekka Tuomi 125 p.
mandag den 7. juli 2014
Puppy names... Hopes litter
Batmoors´ Artistic Mick Jagger
Batmoors´ Artistic James Brown
Batmoors´ Artistic Katie Melua
Batmoors´ Artistic Dido
Batmoors´ Artistic Amy Mcdonald
Batmoors´ Artistic Mary J Blige
Batmoors´ Artistic Pixie Lott
Batmoors´ Artistic Ellie Goulding
Batmoors´ Artistic Miley Cyrus
Batmoors´ Artistic Pink
Batmoors´ Artistic James Brown
Batmoors´ Artistic Katie Melua
Batmoors´ Artistic Dido
Batmoors´ Artistic Amy Mcdonald
Batmoors´ Artistic Mary J Blige
Batmoors´ Artistic Pixie Lott
Batmoors´ Artistic Ellie Goulding
Batmoors´ Artistic Miley Cyrus
Batmoors´ Artistic Pink
tirsdag den 6. maj 2014
onsdag den 23. april 2014
tirsdag den 22. april 2014
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