søndag den 16. marts 2014

Spam email

The 7 of Marts ,we unfortunately had our Google account hacked. Evebody on our contactlist got an false email about Iben being in Leeds bla. bla...

We are sorry for that and any trouble it may have corsed anyone.
Lots of friends called to offer there help, and to let us know about the spammail. Thank you!

One thing was the spammail, but all our emails , our contact email adresses in our mailsystem is delited!
Therefore we would aks all our friends, puppybuyers, traning mates and etc.. to send us and email, so that we can get in contact with you all again!

Please email us : Batmoor@gmail.com

All emails send to us between the 1 and the 11 of Marts have not been recieved, so please send again!