In 2012 we mated our bitch Altiquin Breeze to FTCH Adoraden Quinn (Spot) We had a litter of 7 pups. They are now 16 months old. 3 of them has been x-rayed. A hips and 0-0 elbows!
We kept a bitch from the litter ourselves; Batmoors´ Spot on Holly. W have an agreement with a friend, that the bitch lives at his places - as his dog, but we can breed from her.
Lovely dark yellow bitch, lovely nose work and fast and stylish - and A hips, 0-0 elbows.
We kept a bitch from the litter ourselves; Batmoors´ Spot on Holly. W have an agreement with a friend, that the bitch lives at his places - as his dog, but we can breed from her.
Lovely dark yellow bitch, lovely nose work and fast and stylish - and A hips, 0-0 elbows.