fredag den 7. september 2012

Batmoors` Spot On Holly

In 2012 we mated our bitch Altiquin Breeze to FTCH Adoraden Quinn (Spot) We had a litter of 7 pups. They are now 16 months old. 3 of them has been x-rayed. A hips and 0-0 elbows!

We kept a bitch from the litter ourselves; Batmoors´ Spot on Holly. W have an agreement with a friend, that the bitch lives at his places - as his dog, but we can breed from her.
Lovely dark yellow bitch, lovely nose work and fast and stylish - and A hips, 0-0 elbows.

torsdag den 6. september 2012

Broadlaw Dirk

Broadlaw Dirk our beautifull young dog has been used for stud twice.. The owner of the last bitch sendt us these lovely pictures.
Broadlaw Dirk is Sired by FTCH Leadburn Viceroy and the mother of Dirk is Broadlaw Lexie (FTCH Endacott Shelf - FTCH Broadlaw Damsen)