lørdag den 15. december 2012

Field Trial Results..

A week with super nice results in Field Trials.

Day after the Danish Field Trial Championship .. Thomas has entered our Young bitch Broadlaw Ebony in her first Winnerclass (Open) and she got Diploma of Merrit.
Thomas was very satisfied with the day and he especially felt that Ebony managed to keep calm during the whole day. Even though it was driven birds.. 350 ps.

Friday the halfbrother of Ebony, our Broadlaw Dirk was entered in a novice Field trial.
He was ment to be in a trial in October, but got a nasty cut in a paw. And therefore he had to wate for a new chance in trial.

Broadlaw Dirk (Clyde)
FTCH Leadburn Viceroy - Broadlaw Lexie

Broadlaw Dirk got a 1 pricei n the Novice and is now qualified to enter Open (Winner) class in Field Trials.

Thomas can now sit back a bit and enjoy Christmas and the picking up days in the snow:-)

We Wish You All A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

mandag den 10. december 2012

Hillus Powel won the Danish Field Trial Championship

Hillus Powel won the Danish Field Trial Championship 2012.

Saturday and Sunday where the danish Retriever Field Trial Championship held on the Brahetrolleborg Estate on Fuenen. 29 dogs where qualified for the two days championship.
Saturday where a great day, cold with some snow, but sun was shining and the birds really where on the wings.
Sunday morning presentet a snowstorm. Lots of heavy wind and snow, but a walk up and a small drive was possible anyway, and we could end the second day.

Thomas and Hillus Powell did a great job. Picked evrything and made it seem simple and nice.

We decided before the championship to put Hillus Powell to our young bitch, and this plan is now for sure.

Breeder of Hillus Powell is Mr. Steel (junior) in Scotland, and we can only say that we are very pleased with both Hillu Powell and Hillus Holland.

Mr. Billy Steel is also the breeder of Broadlaw Ebony - our youngest bitch, ( 2years old)
Ebony where startet ind Winnerclass /Open Trial for the first time today. She got a com, and Thomas was very pleased with her.

We are planning to mate Hillus Powel and Boadlaw Ebony next time she comes into season.